Interlibrary Loan Request Form

The Interlibrary Loan service allows students to borrow materials from other libraries and have them delivered to the William Falk Library for pick up and also allows other institutions to borrow materials from Providence. Fill out this form to request an item.

Under the terms of the Access Copyright Agreement and the COPYRIGHT ACT R.S.C. c. C-42 as amended, Providence Interlibrary Loans cannot order copies of more than 10% of a published work, more than one journal article per issue, or more than one chapter per book. Interlibrary Loan requests which exceed copyright limitations will be cancelled.


The William Falk Library does not charge the Providence community for Interlibrary Loans. There is also no charge if the item is available within the province of Manitoba. If the item is not available locally, then there may be a charge depending if the lending library charges for loans. Providence passes on these charges to the student requesting the item. It is therefore important to specify how much you are willing to pay to receive an item, as this will be indicated as the maximum you are willing to pay. If libraries do charge, the cost is usually between $10-$15.