Residence Life Handbook


Living in residence is possibly one of the most incredible opportunities that you can experience in your time at Providence. Pursuing an education is the reason why students are on campus, but Residence Life is a co-partner in the educational enterprise. It is its own unique classroom in many ways. Residence staff and leadership facilitate an environment that enhances the learning experience and spiritual formation of students.

Education does not stop when the class period ends. Rather, residents find themselves in the midst of a learning community. The community that is built in a residence hall is full of possibilities for friendships, growth, character formation, learning and personal development. However, transformational experiences in residence halls do not just happen. They are the fruit of intentional leadership and ministry, as well as clear expectations and responsibilities. In this handbook, you will find all of the information that you need to apply to residence, as well as how to be a contributing member of our on-campus community.