Communicable Disease Policy

I. Communicable Disease Advisory Committee

Policy and Case Management

A Communicable Disease Advisory Committee (CDAC) will be formed to consult and provide recommendations to the administration of Providence University College and Theological Seminary with respect to communicable disease and the health and wellness of its students and employees. The CDAC will consist of the Vice President of Student Life, Academic Deans, Executive Assistant to VP of Operations, and the Medical Consultant determined by the foregoing members of the CDAC.

To address individual cases and make related recommendations, the CDAC will establish a managing committee comprised of a minimum of the following four persons; the Academic Dean, Vice President of Student Life, a Medical Consultant, and one additional member who will be determined on an individual case basis according to the designation of the affected person. If a Medical Consultant has been appointed to the managing committee of the CDAC, the Vice President of Student Life shall be an ex officio member of the managing committee. Additional members may be added to the managing committee on a case-by-case basis, at the discretion of the CDAC or the President of the Providence University College and Theological Seminary.

II. Communicable Disease Policy

A. Applications

Applicants who desire to attend Providence University College or Seminary as a Student or Employee are required on their application to inform the appropriate Admissions or Hiring personnel respectively of any communicable diseases they currently have or may be at risk of contracting.

B. Vaccination

All students and employees are expected to be in continuous compliance with the Province of Manitoba’s recommended immunization schedule in effect from time to time. PUC/PTS may refuse entry to a Student or Employee, who is not in compliance with such recommended immunization schedule.

C. Specific Diseases

Communicable diseases that are not spread by ordinary or casual contact, including AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), ARC (AIDS Related Complex), infection with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), Hepatitis B, and other like diseases will be addressed on a case-by-case basis by CDAC. Any applicant, Student, or Employee having a communicable disease will not be restricted access nor prohibited from attending PUC/PTS on the basis solely of their illness, unless the Administration in consultation with CDAC in their sole discretion determine that restrictions or prohibitions shall apply.

D. Reporting

A Student or Employee who is diagnosed without or as a requirement of CDAC, which confirms that s/he has contracted a communicable disease, shall immediately inform the Vice President of Student Life or the Academic Dean, as to the nature of the disease and suspected cause. The Academic Dean, upon consultation with the Vice President of Student Life and the appropriate medical personnel, may require any Student and Employee to be diagnosed and shall determine if any reported or suspected communicable disease should be referred to the managing committee of the CDAC. It is expected that any Student or Employee who is aware that another Student or Employee, having been diagnosed with a communicable disease and who fails to report same as required hereby, will him/herself promptly report this information to the appropriate authorities. It is expected that any student or employee who is aware of the diagnosis will report the necessary information to the Vice President of Student Life or the Academic Dean.

E. Due Process

If deemed necessary by the CDAC (with the affected person’s consent), a member of the CDAC will confer with the affected person’s physician to secure the physician’s assessment of the disease, its epidemiology, and the patient’s ability and commitment to manage him/herself in a responsible manner. The CDAC shall promptly review the affected person’s physician’s assessment and after consideration of all aspects considered by them to be material, make recommendations regarding the following to the President:

  1. Whether the affected person should be prohibited or continue in the campus setting, and if so, the specific restrictions or conditions,
  2. Whether an alternative delivery of program is advisable, in which the affected person is enrolled,
  3. Other Students, Employees, or Staff will be at risk of infection, whether through casual or classroom contact or residence hall living,
  4. Whether the affected person should face disciplinary action based upon the Covenant of Community Life as it relates to the cause of the disease, and
  5. Whether any reports are required to be made pursuant to any public health regulations or authority.

The recommendations of the CDAC to the President shall be based upon an assessment of the following factors;

  1. The specific cause of the disease and the particular situation and/or actions which resulted in the affected person contracting the disease,
  2. The affected person’s physical and emotional condition,
  3. The affected person’s ability and commitment regarding responsible self-management,
  4. The risk of transmission of the communicable disease and the risk of further injury to the affected person (which may be exacerbated by continued attendance),
  5. Possible detrimental effects of excluding the affected person from Providence,
  6. The financial or physical ability of Providence University College and Theological Seminary to provide reasonable accommodation for the affected person, and current directives from the Manitoba Department of Public Health and Centre for Disease Control concerning the communicable disease of the affected person. The President, in consultation with the CDAC or as may be required by Manitoba Health authorities, may make a decision with respect to any affected person as s/he may in her/his sole discretion determine. Where a final decision requires that the affected person be suspended or terminated, the affected person shall be advised of CDAC’s recommendations resulting in the final decision with any conditions and or restrictions stated.

F. Case Supervision

Periodic review of all cases in which continued attendance at Providence University College and Theological Seminary has been permitted will be conducted by the CDAC to assure ongoing compliance by the affected person with any restrictions and conditions applicable to his/her continued attendance.

G. Confidentiality

All reasonable measures will be taken to respect the affected person’s right of privacy and to preserve the confidentiality of the affected person who has in any way been compromised by communicable disease. The extent of disclosure of the affected person’s identity and/or medical condition will be strictly limited to those who have a clear and compelling “need to know” and will be guided only by the consideration of minimizing health risks to the affected person and others. The CDAC shall maintain a private file regarding incidents of communicable disease for case management purposes only. The contents of this file shall not become part of the affected person’s permanent record, and shall include all recommendations and conclusions regarding the affected person’s communicable disease. The file shall also identify any and all individuals who have been made aware of the identity of the affected person who has, or is believed to have, the communicable disease.

H. School Closure

Any decision to close Providence University College and Theological Seminary due to an outbreak of a communicable disease shall be determined by the Administration in its sole discretion following consultation with CDAC and, if applicable, the Manitoba Public Health authority.

III. Policy — Appeal Process

A decision made in respect to any affected person shall be effective immediately upon being communicated to the affected person. Any affected person who considers a decision unjust may appeal such decision in writing, to the President within three days of being advised of such decision, or within such longer period as expressly permitted by such decision. Such appeal shall set out in reasonable detail the grounds for requesting an appeal hearing and shall be limited to:

  • New or additional evidence or information not previously considered in relation to the decision; and/or substantial error of fact. The President, upon receiving the written request for appeal shall immediately refer the appeal to the CDAC who, following due process set out in section II.5., shall make recommendation to the Administration of PUC/PTS which will serve as the appeal committee. The decision of such appeal committee shall l be final and binding.

Effective Date: This policy regarding Communicable Diseases effective Jan.1997